Panda AntiVirus PC Software Download With Key
Are you are looking for an antivirus? But you might consider antivirus will make your computer become severe. Well, for those of you who might be looking for a lightweight antivirus software, Panda Antivirus can be a great option.
Why is that good? Yes, for those of you who may be new to know about this antivirus software, I will explain about the usefulness of this antivirus, advantages and disadvantages.
Panda Antivirus is an antivirus that is fast and lightweight because it uses cloud in scanning methods. With cloud method, this antivirus will directly control through a server called Collective Intelligence. Antivirus is made by a developer that Panda Worldwide.
Panda Antivirus will protect your PC from a variety of viruses such as malware, trojans, and other viruses. This antivirus will protect your PC in real time, because the antivirus database identifier of this virus will always be updated when your PC is connected to the Internet.
Scanning virus detection will still be in the internal PC. But when it was discovered that in the detection of a file infected with the virus, there will be a second action carried out by Panda Antivirus, which conducted a purge of the file and sends the data types of the virus to Panda Cloud server.
So, what are the advantages of Panda Antivirus? There is a free version, automatic virus database updates, easy to install and operate, and certainly not lightly use a lot of computer resources. But in every excess, surely there are shortcomings, what? The drawback is there is no firewall for the free version, can not protect the WiFi network, there is no protection (vaccination) flash.
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 8 (32 and 64-bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit). Windows Vista (32 and 64-bit), Windows XP (32-bit) Service Pack 2 or higher
Minimum RAM: 64 MB
Browser to install a toolbar: Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
Operating system: Windows 8 (32 and 64-bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit). Windows Vista (32 and 64-bit), Windows XP (32-bit) Service Pack 2 or higher
Minimum RAM: 64 MB
Browser to install a toolbar: Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

Panda AntiVirus PC Software Download With Key