Notepad++ PC SOftware Download New Version
Notepad ++ is a numeric processing applications, but these applications can also be used as a source code editor, unlike ordinary notepad. In fact, notepad ++ can not only be used to write only one programming language, but can be used for multiple programming languages, we can use the notepad ++. Some programming languages include PHP, C ++, HTML, XML, C #, C, Java, Javascript, CSS, makefile, nfo, Perl, this file, batch file, ASP, VB / VBS, SQL. There is an auto-script that comes when we type in a code in notepad ++ syntax. Make it easy is not it?
Sometimes when we want to write the PHP programming language we do not need to install the PHP source code editor application such as Dreamweaver or PHPDesigner that have a large file size and memory consuming which is also quite large. Even for VB programming language. Notepad ++ is a very small file size, so it will not take a large amount of memory, and will not make your computer become heavy. In this latest notepad ++, is version 6.6.9. Although the size is very small, very useful notepad ++ instead we use regular notepad.

Notepad++ PC SOftware Download New Version